Full-time Childcare
Full-time childcare option offers a structured and stimulating environment, nutritious meals, age-appropriate activities, and a play-based learning approach. Small group sizes ensure personalized attention from experienced and caring educator. The fee for full-time childcare includes all outings, entrance fees, meals, snacks, and drinks.
Part-time Childcare
For parents in need of flexible scheduling, part-time childcare option provides quality care and attention in a supportive environment. The fee is based on individual needs to tailor the childcare to your specific requirements.
After School and Holiday Care
After school and holiday care services offer homework support, engaging activities, and a safe environment for children to thrive in. With themed activities, field trips, and experiential learning opportunities, our professional and friendly care ensures that children are in good hands. The fee includes all outings, entrance fees, meals, snacks, and drinks.
Government Funding
I do accept 2,3 & 4 year old funding. Eligible parents can take advantage of government funding options such as the 15 and 30 hours funding. More information on eligibility can be found on the Childcare Choices website.
Explore Dagmara's Childminding Services Today!
Enrich your child's learning and development with our high-quality childcare programs.